Brian’s Story

Meet Brian, a young adult from who actively serves as a community group leader, on our security team and as a leader with our youth – his story is one of obedience to God after a long season of the exact opposite.

He grew up in Scarborough, in a home where God wasn’t a huge part of everyday life. What brought Brian to a deeper walk with Christ started with a season of disobedience as a youth. Although his faith journey began with an invitation to a youth retreat in 2017 he later faced internal challenges that resulted in him turning his back on God. This led him to feeling as if he could never go back. During that season of disobedience, his friends noticed he wasn’t ok and invited him back to church.

Coming back to church, Brian really found joy. He found there was more freedom in his life. More time to enjoy moments with friends, to build a schedule for himself – but then he felt a tug on his heart, to serve in capacities he never imagined, so he said, “yes” to God. One of his fondest memories was as a leader for a Jr. High retreat, he retold how a group of youth boys headed back to their cabin after worship, they were initially going to watch a movie together and then one youth said, “can we all just read our Bibles together?” to which they all did. To Brian, that was a reminder of how God was at work in the lives of the next generation and how beautiful it was that he got to be a small part on their journey of really knowing and pursing God.

Brian consistently shows up with the joy of sharing Christ with everyone in his life. At work and in community. He checks in with everyone because he knows how important it is and was for him in challenging seasons. He serves to be: “an example to other people… like God has changed me… softened my heart…I want that for everybody else…there’s always people that walk in the door, and feel like maybe they don’t belong or they’re too anxious or too shameful… God loves you. God wants you, God put people in your life for a reason.” (Brian Del Mundo, 2024). God’s love pulled Brian close, when he needed it the most, even if he didn’t know it. God can do it for you too.

Want to know more? Join us for Easter.

Resource Date

March 21, 2024