Why donate?
We recognize that God has been so generous towards us, we don’t feel we have to donate but instead we celebrate the fact that we get to donate. We are careful to ensure that everything that is donated to our church is used to provide a place where people can grow in their faith and come to know Jesus as God.
Using the “Donate online” button, enter your payment details and follow the prompts. You can also set up automatic recurring donations.
Text OneChurchto to 77977. You will receive a reply with a link for a one-time setup. You can donate once or set up recurring donations.
Once set up, text OneChurchto and the amount without a dollar sign to 77977 for all future donations. For example, a $50 donation would be OneChurchto 50.
If you have set up recurring donations, you can log into your account anytime to modify your donation.
Add OneChurch as a payee where you pay bills on your personal banking website and enter your envelope # as your account number.
To obtain your envelope number, please contact our Donor Relations Support at with your full name, address, telephone number, and email.
Once set up, you can continue donating on a desired date or set up recurring payments.
Make a cash or cheque donation by placing an offering envelope in one of the donation boxes located in the main lobby or at the back of the auditorium.
You can also donate using a debit or credit card at our donation kiosk located in the main lobby. Upon completing the transaction, put the merchant copy of the receipt into an offering envelope with your information and place it in a donation box.
Individuals or corporations may qualify for favourable tax treatment by directly donating eligible securities. When you donate publicly traded stock and securities, you will receive a tax receipt for the full appreciated value of a donation, and you will not be subject to any capital gains tax.
For more information, please get in touch with our finance department at or call us at 416-291-9575.
Many of our church family have chosen to remember our church in their will. Not only is there a tax benefit for their estate, but this also ensures that their legacy lives on in the work of our church to help people to Know God, Love People, and Impact our City.
For further assistance, please get in touch with our finance department via email at or call us at 416-291-9575.
Tax Receipts: 2024
Thank you for your generous and faithful giving in 2024. All emails will be sent via email this year!