Ed’s Story

God has a unique way of stretching us out of our comfort zone. It’s not about us, but something bigger. Ed’s journey to where he is now didn’t happen overnight, but through the various seasons of his life he embraced this mindset, “I want to fully develop all that God has for me to do on this side of eternity, and I encourage others to do the same” (Edrei Sill, 2024).

When Ed, a senior in our community, first migrated to Canada, he originally wanted to obtain a university degree. However, as life continued, other responsibilities became more pressing. He was introduced to the faith as a young boy; where two particular verses became foundational in supporting his walk with God. John 10:10 tells us, “I have come that they may have life and…. have it more abundantly”. Also, in Micah 6:8, we are reminded– “what does the Lord require of you, to do what is right and walk humbly with God.” Together these scriptures gave Ed’s life a purpose.

As the years passed, Ed felt fulfilled in his responsibilities as a husband, parent and in his career. However, one of his dreams was to further his education. That dream was only sustained by the seeds of interest that he fostered for many years. Then a few years ago and with God’s prompting, he fell into a season of his life where he was able to pursue higher education. He is currently studying a Business and Society degree at York University. Interestingly, one of the requirements of his program was to complete a Practicum and he was given the opportunity to do an internship right here at OneChurch.to. Doing an internship at the church opened up his eyes to the needs of the community. By directly engaging with Yonge Street Mission he and the outreach team were able to lead 130 survey responses. As an introvert, this was a stretch opportunity for Ed.

Looking back, Ed confidently shares that God has been using his education as a way of preparing him for outreach. He encourages that God is trying to stretch us to grow and to realize that God has prepared works for us to do. “If you are feeling nervous about taking the next step…recognize that there are seasons of life, and for each season we have capabilities to do different things. Sometimes the process might take time…trust that God is working in the season that we are in. The bible says, whatever you have to do, do it with all your heart… whether big or small.”

Want to know more? Join us for Easter.

Written by Rannella Billy

Resource Date

March 21, 2024