Franklyn’s Story

Franklyn McFadden, a greeter at, is known by many as the man with the million-dollar smile. His journey to this point hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. During the pandemic, he found himself isolated with ample time for reflection. He realized he wasn’t living up to his full potential during those quiet moments. He yearns to make a difference and to serve others in meaningful ways. With determination in his heart, he turned to Google and searched: where is the closest church? With the support of his brother from another mother, Adrian, Franklyn chronicles his story to us on a glorious Sunday afternoon.

As a child, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. It stems from oxygen deprivation during prenatal brain development. Movement is challenging, yet his right hand remains a beacon of his Sunday charm, offering a warm shake or wave. At times, this condition has made people feel uncomfortable. But this is not a tale of self-pity but of resilience and grit. Franklyn just wanted to be seen and appreciated, and provide others with the same love. He recognizes his divine origin and works to affirm the same for all.

“Through embracing God’s love, I opt for joviality and warmth over bitterness and resentment. My rainy day won’t affect you; my disposition remains unwavering, inviting you into conversation. Eager to do disability differently, I strive to live a healthy and positive life. If you are struggling or going through stormy seasons. Give God a chance—a chance to change your story” (Franklyn McFadden, 2024).

Franklyn’s faith journey led him to, where he serves as a greeter and helps the team make the building accessible. Here, he’s found a sense of belonging, a platform to share his unique gifts. He’s not just encouraged; he’s inspired to reshape perceptions of disability, to show others the beauty and strength that lies with it. It is not only about changing minds; it’s about transforming lives through acts of support, appreciation and love. The man with the million-dollar smile leaves you with this, “my heart is to see people of all walks and abilities filling this church. Whatever your challenge, whatever your difficulty, we see you, we welcome you, we honour you, we appreciate you” (Franklyn McFadden, 2024)

Want to know more? Join us for Easter.

Written by M.L.

Resource Date

March 26, 2024