Gousekan’s Story

“There’s no prerequisite to His love, and you don’t have to be perfect.”

Gousekan (Goose) Umasaran grew up not practicing any religion. The community in the groups he was a part of growing up was small, and he felt alone and disconnected. A high school friend invited him to a youth group at OneChurch.to. That’s when things changed.

“I didn’t attend Sunday services, but I would attend the Youth Nights with some of the younger leaders,” he explained. Goose was 16 years old. “I didn’t know much about Scripture… but felt like I belonged. I felt God’s presence—God’s love through other people that made me feel included.”

From the age of 16 until now, Goose experienced many ups and downs along his faith journey before landing where he is now. After the pandemic, Goose started to attend services more and more. “The community was pulling me back, and realizing that being in community was also part of faith is what kept me there because I felt like it’s not just worship and experiencing God’s love, but it’s about loving people as God loves us.” He admired the way they anchored themselves in God no matter what.

Now you can find Goose serving with our security and production teams. When asked why he serves, Goose responded that the benefit he’s noticed in serving is doing life with others from all walks of life. Speaking from personal experience Goose adds, “If you feel like you’re extroverted you’ll find people, but if you’re introverted people will find you” (Gousekan Umasaran, 2024). Through serving, he’s been able to connect and be vulnerable with others in ways that allow for deeper, supportive and meaningful connections.

Goose encourages all of us to give God a shot. “God knows that change takes time… there’s no prerequisite to His love, and you don’t have to be perfect. God loves us every day, and all we need is an open heart to receive it.”

Want to know more? Join us for Easter.

Written by Shellene Drakes-Tull

Resource Date

March 27, 2024