What God Sounds Like – Follow Podcast Ep. 6

Season 2: Authentic Conversations

This episode is an extended conversation with Pastor Jessica Collins, jumping off of the weekend teaching series, “Authenticity” from OneChurch.to. We talked about moments we’ve heard from God, the power of community, thoughtfully busting our echo chambers.

In this episode we mention the book by Jon Acuff, “Soundtracks” which we heartily recommend. Check it out here: https://acuff.me/soundtracks

For a snapshot of the related weekend teaching, check out this video: https://youtu.be/x03V-lMSjLQ

Or to watch the full teaching: https://youtu.be/3aDOvQOpoz4

Submit your own question here: https://onechurch.to/followpodcast


Resource Date

May 25, 2023