Richard’s Story

Meet Richard! He grew up in a Christian home. Church was a big part of his family, but it wasn’t until he got to high school and met Glenda that he began to dig deeper and find his footing in his faith. They dated for 13 years and were married for 27. They have three kids and always do their best to put God first. The family faced challenges, job loss, and health concerns, and they trusted God through it all.
In 2020, Glenda was diagnosed with cancer. The type of cancer Glenda had had medication for it, and they were able to celebrate their 25th anniversary (2 years after her diagnosis). Unfortunately, as things progressed, she began to get worse, and Richard’s mind began to wander. What would the future look like without her?
Glenda passed away in 2023, and a few weeks later, he reached out to Mark (who also attends OneChurch). Mark and Richard had worked together at a printing company for 15 years, and Mark’s wife, Denise, had recently passed away from cancer. Richard says that talking to Mark gave him a sense of peace and calm and that everything would be okay. “This is how God’s family works; he puts people in your lives when you’re going through tough times such as this; this is why community is so important. The church community is there to support you” (Richard Greenidge, 2024). During this challenging time, Richard and his kids found comfort in their community.
Now, Richard and Mark remind each other of their role in continuing to love like their wives. Richard’s wife, Glenda, always spread a message of peace and love. She left such a vast impact on youth and the people she worked with in schools. They still share how much love and light she executed, which resulted from her relationship with Jesus. Now, as Richard works in a high school, he does what he can to provide words of encouragement to the youth he encounters.
As Richard looks back on his life, there’s not one situation where God wasn’t there for him. He knew God would continue to be there just as he always has been. He finds joy in knowing that the next time he sees Glenda, she will no longer be in pain & be with Jesus.
Richard leaves us with this, on his decision to follow Jesus: “It’s a choice…once you make that choice and that decision to follow… it’s worth it. And when you’re struggling…God will be there to carry you through…(He) put the people in your life to…help you journey through that moment in time” (Richard Greenidge, 2024).